I did a little historic penis research.
There's this thing in a jar.
It's claimed to be Rasputin's penis.
I did throw that ad lib into that episode.
I was talking about how small Napoleon's penis was, but then I said, but Rasputin's penis was amazing.
I made Matthew McFadden giggle to the point of bending over, which is kind of my mission in life.
This is HBO's succession podcast.
This is Roger Bennett.
Today's guest is a first for this show, a Roy child who doesn't want to be part of the family business.
Yes, Connor Roy.
That damage trust fund libertarian, Napoleon artifact aficionado, sugar daddy, sourdough starter Kit gift, hyper decanter and presidential hopeful, the older half brother from Logan Roy short their first marriage.
Connors lack of evident life skills mean he's off brand for the family.
A Roy marching to the beat of a different drummer.
And that drummer is wildly unsyncopated, always eager for the world to know.
Connor Roy was interested in politics from a very young age.
Let's just say, if you want someone to eulogize you at your funeral, aim higher than Conor Roy.
People Lester was alive for 78 years, but no more.
Now he is dead.
Lester's wife is Maria.
They were married for 15 years.