Hello, Michael.
Hi, Steve.
How are you?
I am.
How am I?
Come on, you know how I am.
I'm asking a question.
I'm brave.
I don't know.
I'm not a psychic.
I'm asking you, how are you?
How you doing?
I was just in Mesa, Arizona with you, and there was a furry convention in our hotel.
There was people dressed up as furry animals in costumes.
We had never really been around that.
We spoke to a few of them off the record, you know, out of costume, and they explained to us, because Steve really didn't understand what it was about.
I still don't understand, even though he explained it, I don't understand.
He was a very nice fella, but he had a stuffed animal baby, a.
Furry baby strapped to his chest.
Um, you know, I guess they said, you know, the guys we talked to said they're introverted people, and by wearing this costume, they're able to kind of come out of their shell by hiding behind this character or coming out in front of this character.