Episode #72 "Live Free or Die"


Talking Sopranos



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This week on Talking Sopranos it’s At Home with the Cusamanos! Michael and Steve welcome Saundra Santiago (Jeannie and Joan Cusamano) and Bob LuPone (Dr. Bruce Cusamano ) to the podcast.       Up first Saundra calls out a not so well-liked actor on the set of Miami Vice. Then she talks about about how she was originally brought in to read for the role of Carmela. But once she saw the script, she really wanted to play Melfi. She read for the part and even went to LA to audition in front of the folks from HBO. It wasn’t meant to be and she ended up playing one of the two sets of twins on the show.       Then it’s the ultimate Wonderbread Wop…Dr Cusamano. Bob LuPone played the character to a tee. He talks about his inspiration for the role, and what it was like to work with James Gandolfini. Then Michael and Steve get into this week’s episode. Can you believe we’re already at Season 6 Episode 6. Talking Sopranos #72 “Live Free or Die”. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Talking Sopranos podcast wherever you get your podcasts and go to the Talking Sopranos website to ask Michael and Steve questions and buy official merchandise.  Pre-order your copy of  WOKE UP THIS MORNING: The Definitive Oral history of the Sopranos everywhere books are sold, or go to  hc.com/sopranosoralhistory https://www.talkingsopranos.com https://www.betterhelp.com/talking https://stathero.com/talking https://www.stamps.com

单集文稿 ...

  • How are you?

  • I'm good.

  • How are you, sir?

  • Beautiful day in New York City.

  • The best.

  • Yeah.

  • Really nice.

  • Absolutely beautiful day.

  • People are out.

  • They're in a good mood.

  • They're walking, running, walking their dogs.

  • Even I'm in a good mood.

  • I was.

  • And now I was out.

  • I was in a good mood, and now I'm in.

  • You know.

  • You know what?

  • It's like we got to do the podcast on a beautiful afternoon, and it's like you got to do homework.

  • It's like your mother calls you in, all the kids are outside playing, and look what we're doing.

  • Well, it would be, unless we didn't have such a great show today.