51 分钟Welcome to Origins with me, Kush Jumbo, the show where the biggest names in entertainment tell me the stories that made them who they are today.
Origins is a conversation about my guests early inspirations and growing up.
Guests this season include Dame Anna Winter, Poppy Delevingne, Peter Capaldi and Golda Rachevel, aka Queen Charlotte in Bridgerton.
I only kind of discovered my sexuality.
When I went to drama school.
Join me every week to hear where it all began.
From Sony Music Entertainment, this is Origins with Chris Jumbo.
Hi there.
It's Simon and Mark here on today's show, Ben and Nimon are looking at Carrie Bradshaw, you know, from Sex and the City.
A favorite, a journalist with a shopping habit who flits in and out of affairs with the dubious mister big.
She tells other people how to live their lives, but can she live her own?
How profound.
Enjoy the show, and please do send us your thoughts on the show and suggestions for characters for Ben and Nimon to cover to shrink the box@sonymusic.com.
Dot I am someone who is looking for love.
Real love, ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't live without each other love.
And I don't think that love is here in, in this expensive suite in this lovely hotel in Paris.
Oh, it's Ben Bailey Smith here.
Welcome to the place where we shrink the noggins of your tv faves and see what behavioral traits we might even learn about ourselves.
Oh, no.