50 分钟Hi, I'm Dan Jones, host of this is history.
Over the next few weeks, I'm going to be sharing my studio with some phenomenal historians, chatting about everything from the history of sex and the church to teenage life in the Middle Ages, to the family rivalry that would change England.
He had found himself bereft of the.
Power that he felt should have been his.
What he wanted was an army that.
Could be used against his own subjects.
And that was what he'd built up by 1397.
Just search.
This is history wherever you get your podcasts.
Hi, Simon and Mark here.
Get ready for another bumper edition of Shrink the inbox full of hot takes, theories, and suggestions for future episodes.
You're gonna love it.
Especially that bit about why Ben Namone got it so wrong about Fraser Crane.
Goodness, what drama.
Enjoy the show.
Listen, if you want to press charges, this place is crawling with cops.
No, I'm not pressing charges against Roy.
Is Roy a friend or a roommate?
Where's my cat?
Oh, yeah, the cat did that.