Hi, Tom Beaudette.
Thinking about all the different sandwiches my mom used to make for our family road trips.
Bologna and Cheddar, turkey and Cheddar, ham and Cheddar.
I like Cheddar as a kid, but as an adult, I think I like saving Cheddar more.
That's why I book at studio six for extended stays with the kitchen.
It lets the family make more than just car sandwiches like Mac and Cheddar.
I'm Tom Bode for studio six, where you get more in your room for less Cheddar.
Ben Bailey Smith here, and Sasha Bates.
And this is part two of our special bonus episode to answer some of your questions and explore some of ours from the podcast that puts your favorite fictional tv folk on the couch.
Coming up, we are going to look at the ghosts that didn't get put into therapy from our live show.
And we're going to ask, is Homer Simpson, who keeps popping up, by the way?
More and more we're going to ask if he's abusive.
And we're obviously going to look at all your brilliant suggestions and see if they're going to.
They're going to make it up onto the STB wall.
We'll see.
As ever, it's a no holds barred chat with me and Sasha.
You know, anything could pop up.
So apologize for any fruity language that might come in or any spoilers that we revisit or visit for the first time.
I mean, you wouldn't expect anything less, would you?