Hi, Tom Beaudette.
Thinking about all the different sandwiches my mom used to make for our family road trips.
Bologna and Cheddar, turkey and cheddar, ham and cheddar.
I like cheddar as a kid, but as an adult, I think I like saving cheddar more.
That's why I book at studio six for extended stays with the kitchen.
It lets the family make more than just car sandwiches like Mac and Cheddar.
I'm Tom Bode for studio six, where you get more in your room for less jitter.
Uh, promise not to laugh.
I might have a mild to moderate crush from Maeve.
Yeah, no shit.
What gave it away?
She, uh.
She touched my eyebrows.
Now I have an erection.
You said you wouldn't laugh.
It won't go away.
It's been half an hour.
It's really cold.
Coldness usually works for me, but there we go.