Hi, Tom Beaudette.
Thinking about all the different sandwiches my mom used to make for our family road trips.
Bologna and Cheddar, turkey and cheddar, ham and cheddar.
I like cheddar as a kid, but as an adult I think I like saving cheddar more.
That's why I book at studio six for extended stays with the kitchen.
It lets the family make more than just car sandwiches like Mac and Cheddar.
I'm Tom Bode for studio six, where you get more in your room for less.
Jenner, please tell us why you should stay at this school.
I'd read all of Jane Austen Austin by the time I was twelve, including her lesser known work, Lady Susan, which is a severely underrated piece of feminist literature.
I can also debate the inherent difference between existentialism and transcendentalism, explaining why Sartre is the prominent voice of the former and the latter is barely remembered as a philosophical movement.
I can also gauge the depths of Mister Hendrix's personal despair based on his choice of hawaiian shirt.
I'm really smart.
I just got unlucky in the family department.
It's tv's baby s here and Sasha Bates.
And you're welcome as ever to the magical place where we select our favorite fictional tv characters.
Stick em in therapy just to try and understand them and ourselves in a bit more detail.
Sasha, who are we hearing there at the top?
That was Maeve Wiley, who, as she says, was being unlucky in the family department.
She's on Netflix's sex education and she was talking there to her headmaster, Mister Groff, trying to explain why she should stay in school, because that complicated home life is something that she's been trying to manage alongside all of the school politics.
But yeah, this is exciting cause it's our first sort of two part shrink.