9 分钟Darian woods, it's time for a pop quiz.
I'm ready.
Okay, I'm going to read you a line from a book and you tell me whether this comes from an economics text or a work of fiction.
Good quiz.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
Oh, I'm going to embarrass myself.
But that's the story about Darcy.
Darcy is weathering.
Is it Wuthering Heights?
Ooh, almost.
That is the opening line to Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
Fitzwilliam Darcy is one of the main characters.
Pride and Prejudice is, to me, the gold standard for romance novels.
And journalism professor Christine Larson says Austen was into economics just like us.
Every one of her books is about economics in some way.
Christine has studied the publishing industry and specifically the romance genre.
She says the stuff that Jane Austen was writing about over 200 years ago, it's still what concerns romance novelists today, both on the page and in their real lives.
You gotta think about social position and money and all of that.