Hello, and welcome to Revolutions episode 11.0.
Welcome to the Martian Revolution.
250 years after the event, the Martian Revolution remains one of the most formative events in human history.
This is not a novel observation.
Contemporaries quickly realized the momentousness of it all as it was happening.
Historians have only amplified the conclusion that the Martian Revolution was a big deal.
A really big deal.
Every political, social and economic trend in interplanetary history runs through that chaotic decade.
Its results and outcomes and legacies form the basis of modern human civilization.
Everywhere you look, throughout the solar system, the legacy of the Martian Revolution lives on.
Now, I acknowledge that there has not exactly been a surfeit of writing about the Martian Revolution over the past two and a half centuries.
I don't think a single year has gone by where something hasn't come out about it.
Macro histories, microhistories, biographies, screen vids, epubs, music, immersives, whatever.
The Martian Revolution is endlessly fascinating and has endlessly fascinated us.
It certainly has endlessly fascinated me, which is why I'm here to walk you through it.
Point by point, day by day, year by year, from the death of Vernon Byrd all the way through to, well, you know how it ends, obviously.
What I want to present here is a detailed overview of what happened and why, who were the most important people and why, so that when you go forth to go engage with that mountain of material available on the Martian Revolution, you'll have a very firm grounding on the who, what, when, where, why and how of it all.
Now, a project like this draws from a wide variety of sources, both primary and secondary.
Primary sources are, of course, the bread and butter of the historian's craft.
In our case, this will include official records from Omnicorp's corporate archives and records from the various Martian governments that rose and fell over the years.