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OK Beth, I'm really excited about today's topic of conversation.
OK, how come?
Well, we're going to talk about clothes and fashion.
Do you like to keep up with fashion, Beth?
I would say not so much, but I try to think about what I wear and I try to not be old fashioned.
Okay, what about you?
I am interested in what I wear but I don't spend a lot of money or time choosing stuff.
Do you like to buy new clothes?
Yeah, I don't do it very often but I like to.
I like to make the right choice.
I've started getting quite a few of my clothes secondhand
but online so I there's so much choice and I can choose what I like and as long
as it's still quite new and it's not really used and falling apart,
then I feel like I'm making a good fashion choice.
So Beth, what kind of outfits do you like to wear?