BBC Sounds Music Radio Podcasts hello, I'm Lauren Laverne and this is the Desert Island Discs podcast.
Every week I ask my guests to choose the eight tracks, book and luxury they'd want to take with them if they were cast away to a desert island.
And for rights reasons the music is shorter than the original broadcast.
I hope you enjoy listening.
My castaway this week is the comic actor and musician Adrian Edmondson.
He rose to fame in the BBC sitcom the Young Ones and as part of the creative team behind the comic strip.
Along with friends and co stars Alexi Sale, Ben Elton and Jennifer Saunders, who he later married, he ushered in a new wave of British comedy and his anarchic chemistry with Rick Mayall made him a star.
After the Young Ones, they dialed up the slapstick and created something even grottier bottom Some critics were horrified, but the show was, appropriately enough considering the amount of frying pan based violence it depicted, a big hit.
The Beckett like bleakness of their double act was no accident.
The two had bonded over the playwright when they first met as drama students.
In more recent years, Adrian has returned to acting with TV roles in War and Peace, a Spy Among Friends and a much acclaimed appearance as Scrooge for the rsc.
He says it's an enormous pressure being funny.
There are rewards and getting laughs is very nice, but there is a price you pay.
Adrian Edmondson, welcome to Desert Hiding.
Thank you very much indeed.
So Adrian, you've created some memorable comic roles in your career.
I wonder who your comedy heroes were when you were growing up.
Laurel and Hardy.
Laurel and Hardy.
Spike, Milligan, Flanders and Swan.