I was just at Dunkin.
I noticed they don't call it Dunkin Donuts anymore.
They removed the donuts part.
They changed the name.
And I saw that they had.
There was a big ad for S'mores Donuts.
They have new.
Like a new flavor of.
To go with their.
This is not an ad.
But I got excited and a little nervous.
Cause it looked good to me.
And it was 10am I was ordering.
I went in just for a coffee.
And I said to the woman, I'd like a large iced coffee.
And I really want one of those s'mores.
And they had a whole rack of them.
S'mores donuts.
I said, I'd love a s'mores donut, but I can't.
And I think I said the I can't.