9 分钟NPR.
Election Day.
Election Day.
I know, I know.
It's always a conundrum for business reporters like us.
It is obviously the most important day of the year for the future of the world.
Everything, really.
And yet here we are, like everyone else, nothing to do but wait.
We have explained all the stakes.
We've broken down the economic plans of the candidates, and now we should just.
Go to our happy place and see how it plays out.
The happy place?
You mean the Beige Book?
The Beige Book, our favorite government document that details the current economic conditions at least as of late October.
Soon to be a little out of.
Date, sure, but its lessons will live on in our hearts.
That's why we make it into an awards show.
It's the Beijing Awards, our eight times a year salute to the art and science of telling stories about the economy.
I'm Robert Smith.
And I'm Weyland Wong.