Well, it certainly has been a minute, a bit longer than I expected, but there's been a few unexpected twists and turns in my life since the last episode of Revolutions release back in December of 2022.
But guess what?
I'm coming back.
In fact, as you can see, I am right now launching the thus far closely held secret 11th season of Revolutions.
This says something that's been on my mind and in the works for at least a decade, which doesn't seem right, but I know that the idea first occurred to me when I was working, working on the French Revolution episodes.
And folks, that was 10 years ago.
So this is the thing that was always going to happen.
It was always the plan.
It was not a matter of if, but when.
And the win is finally at hand.
So I hope you enjoy what comes next.
Now, as I relaunch myself back into the world after a nearly two year long absence, we are doing a major overhaul to how we do business around here.
If the History of Rome was stage one of my career and Revolutions was stage two, this is very clearly the beginning of stage three.
And I have done some resetting about how all of this works.
So, for example, you know that I've always gotten by on some pre roll ads, contributions from listeners and the occasional fundraiser.
Well, as I make my return here, I've got to shift with the winds of the industry and take a look at what I've made, what it's worth, and how I can keep doing this for the good of all of us.
So let us first talk about advertising.
Since I first started doing ads for Audible and the History of Rome way back in 2009, they've always been pre roll ads.
That's the way I liked it.