Stage Three Launch





6 分钟

第 12 季 第 1 集


单集简介 ...

I'm back!

单集文稿 ...

  • Hello.

  • Well, it certainly has been a minute, a bit longer than I expected, but there's been a few unexpected twists and turns in my life since the last episode of Revolutions release back in December of 2022.

  • But guess what?

  • I'm coming back.

  • In fact, as you can see, I am right now launching the thus far closely held secret 11th season of Revolutions.

  • This says something that's been on my mind and in the works for at least a decade, which doesn't seem right, but I know that the idea first occurred to me when I was working, working on the French Revolution episodes.

  • And folks, that was 10 years ago.

  • So this is the thing that was always going to happen.

  • It was always the plan.

  • It was not a matter of if, but when.

  • And the win is finally at hand.

  • So I hope you enjoy what comes next.

  • Now, as I relaunch myself back into the world after a nearly two year long absence, we are doing a major overhaul to how we do business around here.

  • If the History of Rome was stage one of my career and Revolutions was stage two, this is very clearly the beginning of stage three.

  • And I have done some resetting about how all of this works.

  • So, for example, you know that I've always gotten by on some pre roll ads, contributions from listeners and the occasional fundraiser.

  • Well, as I make my return here, I've got to shift with the winds of the industry and take a look at what I've made, what it's worth, and how I can keep doing this for the good of all of us.

  • So let us first talk about advertising.

  • Since I first started doing ads for Audible and the History of Rome way back in 2009, they've always been pre roll ads.

  • That's the way I liked it.