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What comes to mind when you hear the word gratitude?
Maybe it's a daily practice or maybe it feels hard to be grateful right now.
Don't forget to give yourself some thanks by investing in your well being.
BetterHelp is the largest online therapy provider in the world, connecting you to qualified professionals via phone, video or message chat.
Let the gratitude flow.
Visit today to get 10% off your first month.
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All right, Andy?
All right there, Bob, how you doing?
Vince Sunderland there with your Sparks T shirt.
Why are you wearing it?
Is it so that I know you like Sparks or what's the purpose of it?
I wanted you to talk about it and I thought I would.
I'd put it on as a conversation icebreaker, you could say.
I'll tell you what, Andy, I don't like it.
I love the band Sparks, but I don't like it because it looks like an F.
The first letter Fox.