It’s 1758 and Britain’s greatest naval commander has just been born. The young Horatio Nelson has inherited his father’s love of god and his mother’s hatred of the French. At age 12, he leaves Norfolk for a life on the high seas. As a teen, Nelson narrowly avoided death on multiple occasions. He survives a nasty encounter with the Sultan of Mysore, the blistering cold on a failed expedition in the North Pole, a nasty bout of Malaria contracted in India, and far more besides. Propelled by his excellence and bravery, he rose quickly to become a captain.This brings us to 1788 where Nelson, now a married man in his thirties and back in his childhood home, learns that England is going to war with France. Without hesitation, he swaps the simple domestic life for the thrill of the high seas once more… Join Tom and Dominic as they discuss Nelson's early life and adventures, as he sets out along a path that would eventually enable British domination of the seas; and the world. _______ LIVE SHOWS *The Rest Is History LIVE in the U.S.A.* If you live in the States, we've got some great news: Tom and Dominic will be performing throughout America in November, with shows in San Francisco, L.A., Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Boston and New York. Tickets on sale now at _______ Twitter: @TheRestHistory @holland_tom @dcsandbrook Producer: Theo Young-Smith Assistant Producer: Tabby Syrett Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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On the quarter deck of his flagship, the Victory, a small, slender figure gazed out at the horizon.
He wore a smart blue coat with gold embroidered decorations and a dark cocked hat.
He had only one arm, and if you looked closely, you might have noticed that his right eye was dull and sightless.
All his life, he had waited for this moment.
Growing up in a sleepy village at the edge of England, he had always loved stories of the sea.
He had joined the Royal Navy when he was 12, sailing to the Arctic, the Caribbean, India and North America.
He had won fame and honor in battle after battle, losing an arm and the sight in one eye and becoming one of the most famous men in the world.
But this was the supreme challenge, the hour of destiny.
A single titanic showdown to decide the mastery of the seas once and for all.
He nodded to one of his lieutenants.
A Moment later, the first of 31 little flags began to climb up the masts, sending a signal to the rest of the fleet.
England expects that every man will do his duty.
And on ship after ship, men began to cheer, raising their voices, shaking their fists in the air, their hearts pounding with passion and pride.
Now more than ever, they were ready.
And Dominic, after that reading, my heart too is pounding with passion and pride because that is the opening of your new book aimed at children, but a brilliant read that I think would be hugely enjoyed by all patriotic British adults as well.
Nelson, hero of the seas.
And you've described it as A New Life and Times of Britain's Greatest Heroes.
Out now for readers of all ages.