Hello, I'm Mariam.
Today's story is about the experiences of a man who goes on an epic adventure.
He sails on a ship whose captain is determined to get revenge on a whale called Moby Dick.
The man is called Ishmael.
He's heading to Nantucket to see if he can find work on a whaling ship.
On the way, he meets Queequeg, a rough and dangerous looking man who works as a harpooner.
They become friends and together they find work on a whaling ship called the Pequod.
It sets sail.
But it's not until a few days into the journey that they first see the ship's captain, Ahab.
He is a bitter and twisted old man with a long white scar down his face.
He also has a false leg made from a whale's jaw.
You see, his real leg had been bitten off by a whale on a previous voyage.
He tells the crew this whale was the famous Moby Dick.
And he makes them all promise to help him hunt the whale down and kill him.
It's a long and hard voyage.
They sail across the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean.
They encounter a huge typhoon and their navigational instruments break.
Ishmael could not see how they would ever find Moby Dick in such a massive ocean.
Then Queequeg, the harpooner gets a bad fever and a coffin is made for him in anticipation of his death.
But he recovers and the ship sails on into the Pacific Ocean.