#371 James J. Hill: The Empire Builder

#371 詹姆斯·J·希尔:帝国缔造者




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单集简介 ...

What I learned from rereading James J. Hill: Empire Builder by Michael P. Malone.

单集文稿 ...

  • I found out about James J.

  • Hill from Charlie Munger.

  • Munger said that Hill was a great operator like John D.

  • Rockefeller and Andrew Carney.

  • And I thought that was very high praise.

  • And what jumps out when you read a biography on James J.

  • Hill is just how difficult Hill was to compete with.

  • And in this biography, they are constantly comparing the way Hill runs his business to his main competitors.

  • And here's one example it says many observers would later compare Hill with Henry Villard.

  • The comparison was inevitable.

  • While Hill was building carefully and checking his costs minutely, Villard built in ignorance of his costs amid mounting deficits.

  • Villard was then forced to resign the presidency.

  • Hill knew that the best defense against invading railroads was a better built system that could operate at lower rates.

  • Well, just how sound was the system that James J.

  • Hill built?

  • Well, the Great Northern railway lasted from 1889 to 1970.

  • Hill died in 1916.

  • That's over 50 years after he died.

  • And you'll think that you'll find this interesting.

  • The Great Northern Railway in 1970 is merged into the Burlington Northern Railway, which then the Burlington Northern railways merged in 1996 to the BNSF Railway.