Tell us about your weird uncle


Endless Thread



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Do you debate political issues with a certain family member on social media? And will you have to see that family member IRL for the holidays in a month or two? How are you preparing for that? Are there ground rules in your family for discussing politics, online and/or IRL? Have online family debates over politics changed the way your family approaches the holidays or your relationship with specific family members? Will the outcome of the upcoming presidential election determine whether or not you show up to Thanksgiving, for example? Whatever your story is, we want to hear it! Team Endless Thread is working on an episode about the blurred lines between our online political discussions with family members and our offline relationships with those people, and how each impacts the other. Email us a voice memo with your story:, with the subject line "Family Politics." A written message works too, if you'd prefer. Be specific about who you're feuding with online, what about, and how your online interactions may change — or perhaps, have already changed — your IRL relationship with this family member.  Thank you!

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