202 | How to Declutter a BIG Project | How to Use Your 28-Day Cycle to Complete Your Decluttering Project

202 | 202 如何整理大型项目 | 如何利用 28 天的周期来完成整理项目

Declutter Your Chaos - Minimalism, Decluttering, Home Organization



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Hi Guys! Welcome to the show! In today’s episode, I’m sharing how syncing your tasks with your natural 28-day cycle can make decluttering (and life) a whole lot easier. Now, let’s talk about syncing your tasks with your 28-day cycle, based on the book "In the Flow" by Alisa Vitti. Here’s a quick overview of the four phases of your cycle and how to use them to get more done: 1. Follicular Phase: Great time for planning and starting projects. 2. Ovulatory Phase: Ideal for physical tasks, like decluttering. 3. Luteal Phase: Focus on wrapping up and handling details. 4. Menstrual Phase: Perfect for rest, reflection, and journaling. By aligning your tasks with your natural energy, you’ll reduce stress, feel more productive, and get more done. It’s all about working *with* your body’s rhythms instead of against them. Check out the book and let me know how you’re syncing your tasks with your cycle in the Facebook group! --- Links Join our facebook group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/declutteryourchaos Check out my new website: www.declutteryourchaos.com Link to my decluttering planner: https://declutteryourchaos.com/decluttering-planner   Link to the book mentioned in the episode: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0062870491?peakEvent=1&dealEvent=0&ref_=cm_sw_r_ffobk_cp_ud_dp_BKC7CJX1D9M5VA1C0VPH&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1&bestFormat=true

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