197 | Don't Fill the Holes in Your Heart With Stuff

197 | 197 不要用东西来填补你心中的空洞

Declutter Your Chaos - Minimalism, Decluttering, Home Organization



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Hey Guys, Here is an episode where I talk about how to not buy stuff to replace the things that we are healing from.  Whether it's losing someone we love, a breakup, or something else, we all have tried to fill the holes in our heart with things: material objects, food, alcohol, you name it.  In this episode I talk about how to deal with that.  Plus a hack for only keeping wht you use! Hope this helps you! XO, Amber Here's the link to join us in the decluttering challenges: https://www.facebook.com/groups/declutteryourchaos Can't wait to connect with you in the group! Here is the link to the bins I mentioned in this episode. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/261VCCERX49HO?ref_=wl_share

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