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Welcome back to the latest dose of science news from New Scientist.
I'm Penny Sarchet and I'm joined by Timothy Revell.
Hi, Tim.
Hi, Penny.
Pleased to be back, even though it is a bit of a bummer week in some ways.
Well, yes, but this is also a week where we're uncovering the origins of writing.
We're looking at bats on a treadmill, we're checking in with the world's largest tree and we're following up on global climate negotiations.
Yes, they roll on, science rolls on and there is plenty to talk about, that is for sure.
So how about we begin this week with that first story that you mentioned, a finding that is rewriting our understanding of the origins of writing.
Yeah, that's right.
So this discovery concerns cuneiform, which you may or may not know is the world's oldest writing system.
For decades, researchers have been trying to work out how cuneiform began.
And now new clues are giving us a picture of how the invention of writing was a sort of decentralized process, one that wasn't issued from of some big hierarchy, but one that actually many people across a wide area probably contributed to.