Hi, everyone.
Welcome to this week's episode of no Such Thing as a Fish.
We are slap bang in the middle of our tour right now and that means that you yourself can come and see us live.
Yes, you can.
We love doing the tours.
We're having a great time this time around.
We record a new podcast every time we do a show and we have lots of little nerdy extra never before seen bits in between.
And we are going to be in Cardiff, in London town and in Manchester very soon.
So we are in Cardiff on 16 October, London on the 23rd and the 24th, and Manchester on the 27th.
That is correct.
And one other place we will be very soon is Gothenburg.
We will be in Gothenburg on the 27th of September.
That's a week on Friday.
And we will be doing a live episode of the podcast there.
So do come along, search for the Gothenburg Book Festival and you'll see all the details about that.
And of course you can get tickets to that and all the others by going to nosuchthingasafish.com live.
Okay, Anna, I think it's time to sound check.
We better get on with it.
Let's get on with the show, on with the podcast.
Hello and welcome to another episode of no Such Thing as a Fish, a weekly podcast this week coming to you live from Bristol.