Welcome to another Lonely Island Seth Meyers podcast.
So here's the plan, guys.
I'm really excited.
I have a little housekeeping, and then we have some Q and A.
And then we're gonna see where we're at, and we'll go from there.
Can I start with my housekeeping?
Last time I asked a.
Whatever you call them, rhetorical question, you all just stared at me.
Okay, guys, the news is out.
Our long national nightmare of waiting is over.
Lorne has announced he's gonna stay at SNL through the fift.
That's great.
He finally did an interview that unburdened the world from having to play who should replace Lorne.
So congratulations to Lorne on what I'm sure will be another 50.
I was worried it was me.
You were, weren't you?