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It says a lot.
I think, that a story that begins with a shooting on a deserted pier in Central America really can't be told, at least not by me, without talking a lot about someone who wasn't even there.
Lord Michael Ashcroft, as far as I can tell, was 5,000 miles away when Henry Jamott was killed.
He clearly had nothing to do with the horrific events on the dock.
But when it comes to power and how it plays out in Belize, his fingerprints are everywhere, which makes sense.
The guy's got his fingers in a lot of pies, as they say in the uk.
I mean, say what you will about Michael Ashcroft, he is not a lazy man.
Belizeans know him for being extremely rich and owning lots of things.
And back home in the uk, he's also known for being a ruthless businessman as well as a passionate conservative, a generous philanthropist, and the author of many, many books.
33 at last count.
A mix of political analysis, pet interests, unauthorized biographies, plus a whole series of books celebrating British military heroes.
And as the title of my latest book suggests, it's about some of the heroes from the Falklands War.
This is Ashcroft in November 2021, speaking at the launch party for one of his more recent titles, Falkland's War Heroes.
The book jacket notes that Lord Ashcroft has been, quote, fascinated by bravery since he was a young boy, and certainly his publishing record backs that up.
Falkland's was his seventh book with the word heroes in the title.
My book tells wonderful stories of courage by our soldiers, our sailors, our airmen and their support staff.