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Andrew Ashcroft's comfortable lifestyle in Turks and Caicos obviously provides a pretty stark contrast to Jasmine Harton's situation back in Belize.
He had the kids, the money, the staff, plus some new business ventures to dabble in.
But as far as Jasmine had come from her childhood on a farm, as much as she'd accomplished, maybe it's not so surprising that her path would end up being the rockier one.
Andrew was born into extreme privilege.
Jasmine was born into real life.
Her family did not grow up having high tea at the Ritz.
Candace, her mom, would be the first to tell you this.
She's seen it all.
And she'd been there for Jasmine through the whole ordeal.
A shoulder to lean on, agonizing right alongside her.
It's got to be tough having a daughter in that much trouble.
But you know what's worse?
Having two daughters in that much trouble.
Because back in Canada, Jasmine's sister Jacinta was having all kinds of legal issues of her own.