If You Build It They Will Come with Brendan Fraser & Michelle Yeoh


The A24 Podcast



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单集简介 ...

Topics covered include: the magic of practical effects, living out of a suitcase, calculated risks, mapping the multiverse on a blackboard, Everything Everywhere and The Whale’s themes of forgiveness, films that open hearts, fighting to be original, total collaboration, lessons from Brendan’s favorite movie of all time Ratatouille, moving a literal mountain in China to get the perfect shot for The Mummy 3, working with Jet Li’s fight crew, pain as a smoke alarm, leaving stunt work to the professionals, awards season as a full-time job, giving the people what they want, going towards the danger, hyper-critical Chinese moms, the buoyant enthusiasm of the EEAAO cast, plus a brief cameo from Brendan’s dog PeeWee.

单集文稿 ...

  • Hey, and welcome Back to the A24 podcast.

  • Brendan Fraser and Michelle Yeoh first met.

  • 15 years ago while filming the Mummy 3 in China.

  • Today they're two of the busiest actors.

  • On the awards season circuit, with Oscar nominations for their roles in the Whale and everything everywhere all at once.

  • Fresh off their wins at the Screen Actors Guild Awards, here's Brennan and Michelle.

  • Hi, I'm Michelle Yeoh.

  • I'm with.

  • She's with Brendan Fraser.

  • And this is the A24 podcast.

  • So is this just the part where we talk to each other?

  • I guess for 50 minutes.

  • We're just gonna fill an hour.

  • All right, all right.

  • Come on, Mr.

  • Fraser, we can do this, right?

  • Where are you right now?

  • Are you home?

  • No, no, I just got back to la.

  • So I'm just here until Monday and then I go back to London.