47 分钟Hey, and welcome Back to the A24 podcast.
Filmmaker Mike Mills has made no secret of his love for the talking heads.
And a conversation between Mike and David Byrne has been at the top of our podcast bucket list since 20th century women.
We finally got them together last month, the morning after the New York Film Festival premiere of Mike's newest film, Come On, Come On.
We hope you enjoy the episode.
You can see Come On, Come on.
In theaters nationwide this weekend, and we can't recommend it enough.
Hi, this is Mike Mills, and I'm and super honored to be here with.
David Byrne, friend of Mike's.
And I'm thrilled to be here on a New York morning.
And we're doing an 824 podcast.
I have lots of questions.
Can I ask you a question?
Oh, that'd be awesome.
Has Hopper seen this film?
That's a question.
Yeah, that's a question.
Hopper has seen parts of the edit, so I edited it all through the pandemic.