On Sex and the City | What Goes Around Comes Around

性与城市 | 善有善报恶有恶报

Every Outfit



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On this week's episode, the girls discuss the penultimate episode of Season Three. Topics include: is there such thing as relationship karma? Natasha's exquisite minimalist style, Horny Charlotte, Carrie's iconic mugging, the mysterious return of her stolen Fendi baguette in AJLT, Sam Jones vs Samantha Jones, lost SATC 3 storylines, the many references to American Beauty, Lauren's harrowing teen sex dream, the cut Miranda sex scene, Trey's American Psycho vibes, the sordid history of Carrie's newsprint dress, and SO MUCH MORE! Want to hear our final thoughts on And Just Like That? Or Euphoria? Become a Patron! Go to Patreon.com/EveryOutfit WE HAVE A HOTLINE! Disagree with us? Make your case and we may play it on the show. Questions, secrets, or gossip from the And Just Like That set are also welcome. Call 323-486-6773

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