Bull Street with Lynn Dow and Sarah Pirozek (Ep. 505)

林恩·道 (Lynn Dow) 和莎拉·皮罗泽克 (Sarah Pirozek) 的《布尔街》(第 505 集)

The Director's Cut - A DGA Podcast



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单集简介 ...

Director Lynn Dow discusses her new film, Bull Street, with fellow Director Sarah Pirozek in a Q&A at the DGA theater in New York. In the conversation, she discusses casting her main character based on key scenes modeled off her own experiences, filming in significant locations in her family’s hometown, and the trials on set that allowed her to improve her directing technique as a first-time Director. The film tells the story of LouEster, a small-town personal injury lawyer who was raised by her grandmother after her mother died in childbirth. When an entitled Ivy League lawyer questions their ownership of their home and its surrounding land, the stage is set for a clash of privilege against family. See photos and a summary of this event below: https://dga.org/en/Events/2024/Dec2024/BullStreet_QnA_1124

单集文稿 ...

  • We go out to London and we record there and it was just amazing.

  • We recorded with the string section of the London Symphony.

  • It was just an amazing experience.

  • And I'm there watching her doing what she does.

  • And I say to her later, why Bull Street?

  • We're from two totally different countries.

  • And she says to me, she says, I lost land, my family in the countryside of England, and also I was very close with my grandmother.

  • And so.

  • And that's why I did it.

  • Hello and welcome back to the Director's Cut, brought to you by the Directors Guild of America.

  • In this episode, a woman faces the battle of her life when her estranged father's family tries to evict her in director Lin Dao's drama Bull Street.

  • The film tells the story of Louis, a small town personal injury lawyer who was raised by her grandmother after her mother died in childbirth.

  • When an entitled Ivy League lawyer questions the ownership of their home and its surrounding land, the stage is set for a clash of privilege against family.

  • Bull street is Dow's feature directorial debut.

  • Following a screening of the film at the DGA Theater in New York, Dow spoke with director Sarah Pirazzek about filming Bull Street.

  • Listen on for their spoiler filled conversation.

  • Hi everyone.

  • Thank you guys for coming out.

  • And Lynn, what a lovely, beautiful film.

  • Thank you for sharing that with us.