186. Ukraine’s Radio ROKS: Heavy metal (and hackers) for brothers in arms

186. 乌克兰 ROKS 电台:战友的重金属(和黑客)

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单集简介 ...

Before the invasion of Ukraine, Serhii Zenin was the host of one of the nation’s most popular hard rock radio shows on Radio ROKS 103.6. Some three years later, Serhii is a soldier and Radio ROKS has taken on a whole new role, too.

单集文稿 ...

  • From Recorded Future News and prx, this is Click here.

  • Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States.

  • My fellow Americans.

  • The sudden criminal attacks perpetrated by the Japanese in the Pacific provide the climax of a.

  • On December 9, 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt spoke to the American people to tell them the country was at war.

  • Now, in this war, we're all in it, all the way.

  • Every single man, woman and child is a partner in the most tremendous undertaking of our American history.

  • The nation was rattled.

  • The Japanese had just attacked Pearl Harbor.

  • And in this time of peril, FDR decided to step up to the mic, not for a press conference, but for a chat.

  • As much about informing people as comforting them.

  • We must share together the bad news and the good news, the defeats and the victories.

  • I know I might be a little biased here, but perhaps FDR chose radio because of what it does best, maybe better than any other medium.

  • There's an intimacy to radio, something reassuring about listening to just the sound of someone's voice.

  • So when we heard the story of another wartime radio broadcast almost 100 years later and nearly half a world away, we couldn't resist bringing it to you.

  • Though the soundtrack, well, it's a little different this time.

  • Radio Rocks.

  • Ukrainian rock.

  • Radio Rocks is the only radio station in Ukraine that is completely dedicated to international rock and roll.

  • And the station provided a different kind of soundtrack, a western soundtrack to a part of the world that had limited exposure to this kind of music.