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Hey, before I start this episode, I have some thanks to dish out.
First, I want to thank every single one of you out there who has bought the Memory palace book.
It is out now on shelves.
At least it is on shelves where you can find it.
Thanks to pre orders by Memory palace listeners.
You folks have given this book a fighting chance in a ridiculously difficult, struggling market, particularly for nonfiction books.
Because of people who pre ordered and have bought the book in its first days.
This book is actually in stores, which was never a foregone conclusion.
Even the fact that this is a Random House book, it has meant that there are usually just a few copies.
But that, my friends, is something.
It is something real.
Because those few copies are enough for someone who works at that bookstore to look at this book that has come into their store essentially unheralded, look down in the box that they just cut open and say, now that's a book cover.
And then they flip through it and they like it.