Best of “How To”: Spend Time on What You Value


How to Keep Time



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第 7 季 第 1 集


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This new season of How To is a collection of our favorite episodes from past seasons—a best-of series focused on slowing down, making space, and finding meaning in our hectic lives. This first episode, from our third season called How to Build a Happy Life, features the Harvard Business School professor Ashley Whillans in conversation with host Arthur Brooks. The two explore how to think differently about the time you crave and the time you actually have. Write to us at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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  • This episode is brought to you by PepsiCo.

  • From the fields to your table, PepsiCo strives to provide food that is grown well, made well and creates more smiles.

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  • Fans of food.

  • Hey, it's Megan Garber.

  • I'm one of the co hosts from how to Know what's Real.

  • This new season of the how to series is a special one.

  • We've assembled some of our favorite episodes from past seasons.

  • A best of collection around the themes of slowing down, making space and finding meaning in our hectic lives.

  • Things I know I can use some reminders about each week.

  • Over the next six weeks, we'll be sharing an episode from our archives.

  • And here is the first.

  • It's from our third season, how to Build a Happy Life.

  • And it's called how to Spend Time on what yout Value.

  • Take a listen as host Arthur Brooks and producer Becca Rashid explore what might be holding people back from finding and and taking advantage of the free time we all seem to crave.

  • Okay, Arthur, I have a question for you.

  • Yeah.

  • If you had one extra hour today, how would you use it?

  • How would I use it or how should I use it?

  • Becca.