For Better or For Worse | "I Call Marriage" (S1E14)

是好还是坏 | 《我呼唤婚姻》(S1E14)

That Was Us



1 小时 10 分钟

单集简介 ...

While Jack and Rebecca say, "I do," Miguel and Shelly say, "I don't," and we say, "Let's talk about it,"... Marriage, that is. Marriage is hard! It's constant work. Jack and Rebecca's marriage wasn't perfect, but they consistently worked together to push through all the hiccups along the way. They fought for each other, and they fought for their love. In this episode, we break down the budding, building, and rock-solid Pearson couples. How do you fight for your marriage every day? How do you keep the spark alive? How do you communicate conflict when it inevitably comes up? We're not experts, but we'll share what works for us! Ready for date night? Follow That Was Us on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Threads, and X!

单集文稿 ...

  • On today's episode of that Was Us, we'll be discussing season one, episode 14, I call marriage.

  • Toby throws a wrench in Kate's weight loss journey.

  • Randall struggles to accept his father's failing health.

  • Miguel and Shelly have terrible news for Jack and Rebecca.

  • Rebecca receives a work opportunity, and Kevin examines his romantic past.

  • Hello.

  • Hello, friends.

  • What's going on, sister?

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  • Hey, hey, hey.

  • Welcome back to that with us, your favorite podcast on the ones and tens.

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  • Yeah, maybe we can read some of those in our fan segment sometime.

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  • Cause those can be funny sometimes.