The sisters reuniting separated siblings at camp


The Outlook Podcast Archive



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Lynn Price and Andi Andree were separated as young children and raised with different foster families - they didn't even know of each other's existence until they were introduced at the ages of 8 and 9. Although they eventually formed a close sibling bond, Lynn was determined to help other siblings like them and in 1995 she set up Camp To Belong where siblings separated by the foster care system could spend time together building precious memories. Andi volunteered at the camps and worked together with Lynn for many years, and the camps are still going strong today. But, as the sisters tell Anu Anand, there was another twist to come in their family story. Presenter: Anu Anand Producer: June Christie Get in touch: (Photo: Sisters Lynn Price (L) and Andi Andree. Credit: Courtesy of Andi Andree)

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  • Hello and welcome to Outlook, the program that introduces you to people around the world living extraordinary lives.

  • I'm Anu Anand.

  • Today we're exploring what the word family means and how those whose family bonds are severed reestablish them later in life.

  • Lynne Price and andy Andriy were 8 and 9 years old and living with different foster families when they discovered they were sisters.

  • Andy, the older of the two, remembers the details of their first meeting vividly.

  • It was in a stark office.

  • The tile is light brown, and I'm wearing a brown checkered outfit with a pleated skirt.

  • Lynn has a long ponytail and she is cowering behind a caseworker.

  • She just kept saying to me over and over, you're not my sister.

  • You're not my sister.

  • When Andy tells that story, she can remember everything.

  • And that day in the office when I met her, I just clearly said, you're not my sister.

  • I just didn't understand and I didn't really want anything to do with that relationship at that time.

  • It was 1963, and Andy and Lynn had been separated when Andy was two and a half years old and Lynn was just 10 months.

  • Their mother had gone into psychiatric care and the girls had been fostered by two different families.

  • Andy picks up the story.

  • While I was being raised in my foster family, I was always told that I was a foster child, but I was never told that I had a sister.

  • So I had a different last name, which back in the 50s and 60s was unusual to have a different name than my family.

  • So I always knew I was a foster child, but I didn't meet my mother until I was nine.

  • And at that time they told me I had a sister.