The false confessions of a serial killer


The Outlook Podcast Archive



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In the 1990s the name 'Thomas Quick' struck fear into the hearts of Swedes across the country. He had confessed to more than 30 murders, and was convicted of eight. He became known as Sweden’s most notorious serial killer and the ‘Swedish Hannibal Lecter’ but almost two decades later he retracted his confessions and said he was innocent. Jenny Küttim is a Swedish journalist who has been covering the case since 2008 and Björn Asplund is the father of Johan Asplund, the first person Thomas Quick confessed to killing. This episode was first broadcast in September 2019. Presenter: Asya Fouks Producer: Tom Harding Assinder (Photo: Sture Bergwall/Thomas Quick after his release. (Credit: HENRIK MONTGOMERY/AFP via Getty Images)

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  • I'm Assia Fuchs and today I'm bringing you a story about murder, lies, silence and the shocking truth behind Sweden's most notorious serial killer.

  • In the early 1990s, a Swedish man named Thomas Quick began confessing to a series of horrific crimes that involved kidnapping, murder and cannibalism.

  • Journalist Jenny Coutim grew up listening to the horror stories told about him.

  • I think for everyone born in the 80s, Thomas Quick was this notorious scare of Sweden.

  • We used to talk about him in school, you know that we had this very odd, very special, infamous serial killer in Sweden.

  • He was so special that, you know, nobody could be saf because he had such a selection of victims.

  • He started confessing crimes and molestations and killings of young boys.

  • And then he moved ahead, also killing girls and couples.

  • He was really like a shadow, you know, because it took so long for the police investigations to even convict him for all of these crimes.

  • And even though he had eight convictions, we all knew that he had confessed to so many more murders.

  • This is Outlook Weekend, the false confessions of a serial killer.

  • We need to go back further in time to find out more about the man behind the murder.

  • Thomas Creek came from a large family in the middle of Sweden and he was also a Christian family.

  • And he was kind of the black sheep in the family because he knew that he was a homosexual and he was not accepted in his family.

  • So to be able to deal with all those emotions, he started doing drugs when he was about 13 years old.

  • He was known to have done some minor crimes, but also some serious crimes that he had molested boys, three of them.

  • And he was convicted for those molestations.

  • And also back in the 70s, he was convicted for stabbing a man that he had a one night stand with.

  • The first murder that Thomas Quick confessed to had taken place in 1980.

  • The victim was the 11 year old son of Anna Clara and Bjorn Asplund.