31 分钟Emily.
It's Emily Webb here, bringing you this edition of Outlook.
Today's extraordinary story comes from Australia and a woman who discovered she was part of a stolen generation.
Diane O'Brien has had a tough life.
She survived physical and sexual abuse and neglect, but hers is a story about endurance and finding purpose in life.
Diane was born in 1947 and grew up in an Irish Australian family in the Sydney suburbs.
At home were Diane's father, brother and mu, who Diane adored.
To me, she looked like an angel.
She was very pretty.
She was well dressed.
She looked like a movie star, actually.
And pictures I have of her when she was younger, even out in the backyard, she had suits on, you know, like a floral top and a floral bottom.
And yeah, she dressed really nice.
And it sounds like your mum was the sort of person who really liked helping others.
She was always helping somebody out.
Yes, yes.
Anybody in the street that was poor, she used to give her money.
Another fellow come to her house once and she went in and gave him one of Dad's shirts.
And I said, you're going to get into trouble.