Unspun World: What will Iran do now?

Unspun World:伊朗现在会做什么?

The Explanation



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单集简介 ...

John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's unparalleled range of experts across the world, analyses how the Iranian regime might respond to Israel’s attack on the country, examines the role of disinformation in the US Presidential election and looks at whether a rape trial in Provence will change French society.

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  • This BBC podcast is supported by ads outside the uk.

  • You are actually radioactive and everything alive.

  • Is Unexpected elements from the BBC World Service.

  • Search for unexpected elements wherever you get your BBC podcasts.

  • Hello, this is the explanation from the BBC World Service.

  • I'm John Simpson and you're listening to Unspun World, where we go behind the headlines with the BBC's unmatched correspondence to find out what's really going on.

  • Has Israel's missile attack on Iran drawn.

  • A line under the conflict between them, or is another round possible?

  • The signs in Tehran are that the hardliners are pushing for another round of missile attacks.

  • How big a role has disinformation played in the US Presidential campaign?

  • You know, they're almost going toe to toe with one another and resorting to the same kinds of methods.

  • This is all part of what they see as fair game in the social media battle.

  • And will a rape trial in Provence change French society?

  • Recently?

  • So we have seen op ed by men saying we need to fight against male domination.

  • I think this trial is interrogating French society.

  • Iran's theocratic revolution has managed to survive for an extraordinary 45 years.

  • And yet it's never really seemed particularly strong or well based.

  • There have been several times in 2009, particularly when big street demonstrations looked as though they might actually bring the regime down.

  • But in each case, the regime's defenders used such violence that it never happened.