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This is the real story from the BBC.
I'm Shawn Ley with your weekly deep dive into a story that's making news and chasing lives.
And this week, for 200 years now, the global population has kept growing.
Demographers, specialists who count people predict that later this century, when there may be up to 11 billion of us, numbers will peak and then begin to fall.
In Japan, it's happened already.
A quarter of people there are over 65.
And soon it will be true.
In parts of Europe too.
Good diet and better healthcare is leading to longer lives.
But fewer births eventually means fewer people of working age.
With the diminishing number of people of working age expected to support a growing population of retirees, our government's ready to shape what happens next.
Here's the BBC's Lucy Williamson reporting from the streets of Paris.
It took minutes for this peaceful protest to turn violent.
Hidden amongst the main demonstration marked protesters who are now taking on the police, Haw's government plans to raise the state pension age by just two years.
Will policies once considered impossible soon be up for debate?
In Africa, populations are already beginning to boom.