1 小时 18 分钟Oh, hey, it's that guy who watched your stuff at the library so you could go to the bathroom, Alie Ward.
And this is Ologies.
And the lifeblood of the show is asking smart people sometimes not smart questions.
So let's take a trip through your vascular system for phlebology, which you will learn in a few moments is not a good name for the episode because it does not totally encompass what this ologist does.
So we had to figure something else out.
And this guest is a vascular surgeon, and from what I understand, that is a very difficult job.
And vascular surgeons have been called the surgeon's surgeon.
So if you're a surgeon who can impress surgeons, I'm going to want to come to your workplace and ask you all about it.
So this doctor is a clinical associate professor of vascular surgery at NYU Langone Hospital in Brooklyn, where she did her fellowship and residency after getting her MD from Boston University, and has said that what inspired her was having grown up in Kenya, where she saw access to high quality surgical care not readily accessible.
So helping people has always been important to her and she's very good at it.
So she's been on my list to help us learn about our circulation.
And we're going to get there in a minute.
But first, thank you to all the patrons who submitted great questions for this ahead of time and you can join that@patreon.com Ologies it costs like a dollar.
Thank you to everyone out there for wearing ologies merch from ologiesmerch.com and finding each other in the wild.
And of course, thank you to everyone who leaves reviews which help the show stay pretty cozy at the top of the science charts such as this one.
This was left by Fisker4, who wrote Ologies has quickly become my go to podcast for every activity from baking to drawing to postponing a spiraling mental breakdown while I focus intently on Centipede facts.
And I gotta say, Fisker 4, that's a hell of a review to leave right as we splash down into an episode about blood tunnels, but I think everyone's gonna like it nonetheless.
This is a great one.
Also, reviewer save spiders.
I see you.