50 分钟While the deep midwinter days of January feel like a moment for retreat, this is also a time of change in human history.
The winter solstice marked the coming of the sun and was a cause for celebration.
From ancient Yule to the Iranian tradition of Yalda night, this time of year has been marked by an urge to light candles and come together.
And so this episode of Confect Corner explores themes of light and darkness.
We investigate the complex and fascinating history of eyeliner in the lives of men and women, from its role in ancient life to a modern day beauty regime.
We ponder the glittering legacy of disco in our modern wardrobes.
And we head to Iceland to find out about how long, cold, dark winters and the sublime power of nature inspire modern musicians and storytellers on the island.
And finally, our audio essay by writer Sophie Cecil muses on the ritual of lighting candles and argues the case for ambient lighting now and throughout the year.
For me, January is a month that twinkles.
As the winter solstice beckons, light becomes a focal point, a distraction, and a way of finding beauty in the dark afternoons ahead.
This is Confect Cornan and I am your host, Sophie Grove.
I like that you mentioned Nefertiti, because I actually consider her to be the original beauty influencer.
When her bust was discovered just over 100 years ago and then displayed in Germany, the public clamored to emulate her quote, unquote exotic looks.
And one way to do that was to use eyeliner because she had heavily lined eyes.
Society has recovered from the Second World War.
It's had the kind of social revolutions of the 60s, and it ends up really, really ready to have a massive party.
The humble lit candle, with its manifold sacred associations of religion, spirituality and ceremony, distills my strictly secular insistence on daily ritual and transformation.
Welcome to this episode of Confect Corner.
I'm your host, Sophie Grove in London, and as usual, I'm joined by Marcella Palak in Zur and by Gillian Dubais here in the studio with me.
Hello to you both.