31 分钟第 1 集
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Ladies, ladies.
It's a show to begin.
To begin.
Back when I was a teenager, before hip hop ruled the world, there was a DJ competition called the Battle for World Supremacy.
Every year, the best DJs would cram into a hotel ballroom in Times Square to fight for the title of world champion.
In 1986, my guy, DJ Jazzy Jeff, made it into the lineup.
You know, so we mobbed up there Philly style to cheer him on.
He needed a little support.
It was in New York City and I was going against New York DJs.
We were treated so horribly because we weren't from New York.
But in order to prove yourself, you almost felt like you had to go to New York.
In those days, there were no Billboard rap charts, no rap awards at the Grammys.
Hip hop was mostly happening underground.
In two years, it would all be different.
But for now, if you wanted to make a name for yourself in hip hop, you had to go to New York.
And that's why we were there, to try to put DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince on the map.
And it's all of these high profile DJs.
You know, Dougie Fresh's DJ was in it, and, you know, it was all of these big DJs.
And that was definitely something I wasn't supposed to win.