Mark Carney


The Chiefs



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单集简介 ...

In this week’s episode of ‘The Chiefs’, Monocle’s editorial director Tyler Brûlé joins economist Mark Carney to get a macro view on global economic recovery as the world gets back on its feet. See for privacy information.

单集文稿 ...

  • The world is more or less back on its feet.

  • I said more or less.

  • And while many economies across the globe are still in recovery Mode, the next 12 months are a crucial time to be looking beyond the pandemic.

  • To help us get a more macro view on things.

  • For today's episode of the Chiefs, we turn to economist and fellow Canadian Mark Carney.

  • From steering the bank of Canada out of the worst of 2008's financial crisis to being appointed the youngest and first non Britain to govern the bank of England.

  • When it comes to finance, Mark Carney is known for his value driven smart thinking.

  • That's perhaps why after leaving the bank of England in 2020, Carney was appointed as the United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance and took up a role leading impact investment at asset management firm Brookfield, one of the world's largest investors in real estate.

  • Joining me today from a ra sleepy Ottawa, we tackle everything from the challenge of maintaining equal growth across borders to how to move the sustainability agenda beyond rhetoric.

  • From Monaco's headquarters here in Zurich, I'm Tyler Brulee and this is the Chiefs on Monocle 24.

  • Mark, very good to speak to it at long, long last.

  • There was many promised interviews.

  • The Monocle listeners have been waiting over the years.

  • But here we are.

  • I'm in Zurich, you're in Ottawa.

  • There was a place called London once upon a time in between.

  • Which I guess brings me to the first question.

  • What's life like on the other side of the Atlantic?

  • Here we are, one year plus since you.

  • Almost a year plus since you departed UK shores.