With the help of the transport industry's leading figures, this series of the Chiefs is dedicated to the future of how we get around and between the world's major cities.
From innovative hardware to shifting consumer trends, we analyze what to expect as the world reawakens.
Should we keep our seatbelts fastened for more turbulence or.
Or are the clouds clearing ahead?
On today's episode, we probe the state of the aviation industry.
With planes grounded and borders closed, then reopened, then closed again.
The past year's chaotic twists and turns hit even the market's major players rather hard, however.
One carrier that's been keeping routes open and its Doha hub alive is Qatar Airways.
The airline adopted a serious approach to the pandemic, while understanding it should still provide a service for those in need.
Whether reuniting loved ones or keeping crucial in person business meetings on track, Qatar Airways never stopped flying, and their practical yet premium approach has kept the business looking reasonably bright and plans for 2021 just about on schedule.
Joining me today to talk us through the airline's navigation through the pandemic is His Excellency, Mr.
Akbar Al Bakr GCEO of Qatar Airways since 1997.
We talk about why commitment to service is key and whether a new golden age for legacy carriers is en route.
I'm Tyler Brulee.
You're listening to the Chiefs on Monocle 24.
Thank you very much for joining us today.
I can't think of a better individual, a better leader, not just in the world of aviation, but in the world of transport in general.
Where do you see us sitting right now?
We are coming to the end of Q3, and many people say that this 2021 that we're in really did not start in a way people thought.
They thought about the symbolism of a new year.