Good morning from Zurich.
You're listening to Monocle on Sunday with me, Tyler Brulee.
Coming up on today's program, Juliet Lindley is back again.
Also, Greta Gurdwichic is also somewhat fresh from Paris.
But Juliet, I will start with you.
So what, you've got a lot of papers in front of you.
Where are we going to start today?
Well, you mentioned Mar a Lago face.
I don't know a lot about that, but we will.
Mar a Lago face will be a.
Conversation, the casting for the Trump cabinet.
But then also I'd love to talk about the speed trap they have just installed right below my house and this whole very Swiss phenomenon.
And then why not?
Should we look at other stories too, coming from around the world?
We should.
That's our job.
Also, we're going to be getting the latest from the Bosphorus.
I'm Hannah Lucinda Smith in Istanbul.
And coming up later, I'll be talking about the rebels lightning advanced in Syria, about the fake dollars circulating in Turkey, and about winter, which has finally come to the Mediterranean region.
That's kind of bad news.