30 分钟It's been a hell of a year and as always, we're facing the classic New Year new me dilemma.
This year I really want to prioritize putting less pressure on ourselves to be goal orientated and just earnestly enjoy the moment.
We've teamed up with Hinge to inspire our friends and listeners to take a moment to reflect on their dating journey over this year and update their profiles with a clear vision for what they're looking for in 2025.
I love this idea.
You could use the Hinge prompt this year.
I really want to to do so.
I would say something like spend more time enjoying the moment instead of worrying about what's next.
And I really want to make sure I'm having a laugh about it all too.
Like, is it really that deep?
Maybe the New Year's the time to add some silliness to your hint profile.
Dafoe it's probably worth bringing in a pop culture nod to to show what you're interested in.
Like that you have a wealth of romantic moodang memes readily available to send to a new love.
I know interacting with that kind of stuff has made me and Mal's relationships stay as silly as I like it.
I think it's really important to begin the year with clear intentions of what you want to get out of your love life.
I really believe putting what you want out into the world makes it all the more easier to receive it.
I totally agree.
Make sure to use this time to reflect, reset and refresh your Hinge profile accordingly to what you're looking for in 2025.
We're excited to see all your refreshed profiles soon.
Hi Gina.
Hi Ione.