It was a crime that shook the art world.
Priceless and stolen in broad daylight.
In 2003, the Madonna of the Arm Winder by Leonardo da Vinci was stolen from a castle in rural Scotland.
That was when they put his hand over my mouth and was like, get.
Down on the floor.
And then I just burst into tears.
We are offering a substantial reward.
If it wasn't for one man and his team, they might have been lost forever.
You know what I always think of the look of me is different.
This is a story about high stakes art theft.
It's crazy.
You know, this doesn't even happen in movies.
We believe as a legal team, we can negotiate the successful and speedy return of this precious artwork.
He's convinced me that I am completely 100% safe.
It's a tale involving the Scottish establishment.
They were dead set on getting a conviction.
The Criminal Underworld Proof of Life video.
It's thrilling, you know, and some likely lads from Liverpool.
I will do what you instruct to the letter.
There's double crossing and unforeseen consequences.