BBC Sounds Music Radio podcast in 2003, a patent was stolen.
Four years later, my dad, Robbie Graham, was part of the team that got it back.
He was arrested and put on trial.
No one was found guilty.
No one got a reward.
Everyone got on with their lives.
But I've always wondered, could this have all gone a different way?
And then I found out about this private investigator, Mr.
Brown, and it gave me a whole new angle on a story that I thought I already knew.
So I want to take you back.
Way, way, way, way back.
Back to the morning of the 27th of August 2003.
We're in Dumfries and Galloway.
A white Golf GTI is tearing away from Drumlandrigg Castle.
In the back there's a Peyton, a masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci.
The gang who've just nicked it throw the police off the scent.
By switching cars, they make a clean getaway.
Eventually, the Peyton will turn up in Liverpool.
But before that, the Madonna of the Arm Winder takes a trip to Glasgow.
I'm Olivia Graham and this is the final episode of the Missing Madonna, Episode 9 Monty.