Listener supported WNYC Studios this is Dolly Partons America.
I'm Jad Abumrad.
We are at the second of nine trips into the Dollyverse.
And in this one, I want to tell the story behind the greatest selling song by a female artist of all time.
You probably know the song I'm talking about, but if you don't, I'm not going to tell you.
It's just going to happen organically.
It's going to be beautiful.
But this is a song that hit number one in three consecutive decades.
Think about that.
One song just keeps hitting number one over and over.
Well, behind that song are so many stories.
The story of a collaboration, a historic collaboration, and the story of Dolly's grand metamorphosis.
I'm gonna sit on this pillow.
That one was better for height.
Oh, can you.
Yeah, bring it up.
I'm so little, I don't feel like I'm sitting in the floor.
And maybe not just hers, but so many people.
I talked about it with her back in Nashville in that studio.
My chair's squeaking on that squeaky chair.